
Christmas, Green Living

Why Buy Local this Holiday Season


There are economic and environmental perks to buying local… As we head into the busiest shopping season of the year consider this shopping resolution:Buy local as often as possible. Diverting just 10 percent of your shopping dollars will make a huge difference in our local economy. Small businesses are the […]

Christmas, Cookies

Sparkly Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies


Sparkly chocolate gingerbread cookies are festive and delicious.  When we were growing up our house was like a commercial bakery leading up to Christmas. Mom made at least a dozen different kinds of cookies, along with Christmas breads, mincemeat, plum pudding, light and dark fruit cake, cherry pound cake and […]

whole wheat gingerbread cookies
Christmas, Cookies

Whole Wheat Gingerbread Cut Out Cookies


Christmas traditions – decorating Whole Wheat Gingerbread Cut Out Cookies to hang on the tree. When I was little, I often misheard song lyrics, which I suppose isn’t that uncommon. It happened with all sorts of songs but there was a favourite childhood Christmas carol that I didn’t get quite […]